Hypnobirthing Place Online/Phone Course

Hypnobirthing Place Online/Phone Course


Please note, private online/phone classes are now fully booked until Sept 2021

The Private Online/Phone course takes approx 5 hours and is taught during weekday evenings over 2 sessions, at a time and date that works best for you.

This is best if:

  • You would like to enjoy the benefits of a private course, tailored to your needs

  • You live some distance away and a face to face session is not possible

  • You welcome the chance to engage in the full course together as a couple, whilst in the comfort of your home

Feedback from previous phone clients:

"I was surprised at how well the class worked over the phone and so was my partner. We both felt that being able to focus on your voice actually made it easier for us to feel really relaxed and at ease!"

Before you purchase the Phone/Skype course, please get in touch with me so we can book in the date and time.

NB. Experience has taught me that phone works better than online, simply because you can fully focus on what’s being said rather than worrying about the video quality/angle! However, if online is your preference, that is fine and can be arranged too.

Please note, private online/phone classes are now fully booked until Sept 2021

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The course includes:

• The Colour and Calmness Hypnobirthing CD (or mp3) along with bespoke Hypnobirthing Place MP3s, which you will use to enter into a state of deep relaxation before and during labour. 

• A folder of course handouts to guide your practice at home.

• A post birth survival guide for after your baby is born.

• During and after the course I will be available to you by phone or email to support you, answer any questions and to chat through any concerns.